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Waste and Climate Change: The Interconnected Challenge

how to tackle waste in Florida
Waste and climate change are intimately related two of the greatest environmental issues today. These underappreciated flows of material processing carry important implications for global climate warming – good, bad and indifferent.

The waste sector significantly contributes to climate dynamics (from methane emissions in landfills upon decomposition all the way to a carbon footprint of incineration). This is a challenge that must be tackled holistically by adoption of wastes reduction initiatives, practices in waste management processes are improved as well end use applications through promotion of circular economy.

Waste-Related Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Waste is responsible for releasing gas emissions that warm the Earth, including methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2). Methane, a greenhouse gas that has over 25 times the global warming potential of carbon dioxide (CO2) during its first one hundred years in the atmosphere, is emitted primarily from anaerobic decay of organic waste within landfills.

According to information from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), landfills are one of largest human-related sources of methane emissions in most countries around the world, and about 15% of US methane releases come from municipal solid waste landfill. This crisis is further exacerbated by the amount of waste generated which only continues to increase as populations grow and increased consumption leading to more rubbish.

In addition to landfills, incineration is another type of waste management which also produces GHGs. Incineration Some consideration is given to incinerating wastes, which will obviously reduce the volume… but each kg of waste sent up a chimney releases carbon dioxide (CO2) and other pollutants once emitted into the atmosphere. To generate this power a lot of energy is consumed and hence there is an even bigger carbon footprint for the waste sector due to these measures taken.

Reducing Waste and Mitigating Climate Change

For waste climate impacts, source reduction has been identified as an extremely effective strategy. Decreasing the waste generated through service provision not only reduces pressure on landfill but also demand for new product production, which in turn drives down emissions associated with extraction, manufacture and haulage of raw materials.

The reduction of waste requires a combination of both policy and public engagement. Governments such as the state of Florida need to lead by example with targets on waste reduction, bans of single-use plastics and promotion of recycling and composting. One of the classic examples is extended producer responsibility (EPR) programs, which force manufacturers to take our products back and recycle them further incentivizing product design that makes recycling easier or produces less waste.

At the same time, on a larger scale also embracing circular economy principles—keeping products and materials in use as long as possible to reduce waste—from disposable plastic like grocery sacks all the way up through end-of-life vehicle disposal could have massive impacts for avoiding increased greenhouse gas emissions. Products made on the basis of recycling materials, reuse and longevity will greatly reduce CO2 in our goods consumption represented by circular economy.

Better Waste Management Techniques

Improving our handling of waste is also a key part of decreasing the emission associated from it, including zero waste strategies. This, obviously includes creating waste-to-energy processes but also can include better landfill operations, a more comprehensive recycling program and an educational campaign explaining how to compost.

Landfill-gas-to-energy: Methane emissions generated in land-fill sites can reduce through the collection and utilization of landfill gas. Most of the modern landfills contain systems that recover methane gas, converting greenhouse gases to energy through power production. It is not a perfect solution (and some emissions are still inevitable), but landfill gas capture schemes will play an essential role in the management of our historical waste.

Reclamation and recycling are likewise fundamental in squander the executives. Recycling reduces demand for virgin materials which means less energy is saved and fewer emissions occur from the production process. Recycling aluminum, for instance, saves over 90 p.c of the energy needed to create new aluminum from raw materials In the case of composting organic waste, however, we avoid anaerobic decomposition that occurs in landfills and leads to methane emissions; instead it also generates valuable soil amendments which sequesters carbon into the ground.

The Innovation and Technology Role

Innovation and technology, especially, are at the heart of efforts to tackle the waste-climate nexus. For example, technological improvement around waste-to-energy could convert garbage into energy while releasing much lower emissions than traditional incineration. But that has to be done in a way that does not result merely in moving the emissions around.

Further, digital technologies may increase the efficiency of waste collection routes as well as facilities for sorting and recycling efforts with our companion. These advancements will have an impact of lessening the global environment burden as a result of waste management and thus add to far-reaching climate objectives

Cooperation and Integration Across Policies Globally

Global action and joined-up policy making are necessary to address the waste – climate change nexus. For example, mechanisms such as the Paris Agreement emphasise the reduction of GHG emissions by indicating waste management among other measures. To keep global warming below 1.5oC, nations must include waste reduction and management in their National Climate Plans (Nationally Determined Contributions or NDCs) so that they are able to curb emissions at the level required.

Waste and climate change are two of the most critical issues worldwide, also amongst those that receive lesser mention than deserved. Waste reduction, increased recycling and improved methane capture are effective waste management strategies that can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change. By embedding these strategies within more comprehensive climate & embracing new solutions, societies can begin walking down the pathway of a smaller waste carbon footprint on their way towards building stronger more sustainable long lasting futures.

Memphis Takes the Lead: A Sustainable Symphony with Zero Waste

Memphis sustainability
How to better sort your waste on a daily basis? How do you raise awareness among the residents of a city? Memphis has developed a global system that works.

Memphis committed in 2005 to achieving “zero waste” by 2030. The tennessee city has since taken a series of measures and now exceeds 80% of waste recycled or composted.

1. What does zero waste mean

The goal adopted by Memphis is to achieve zero waste sent to landfills or incinerators, meaning 100% of its waste recycled or composted. The expression Zero Waste in English also translates to zero left-over: this is why the city also seeks to reduce the waste of food and resources.

2. Concretely, what does this imply for residents

The initiative has multiple implications for local residents. Plastic bags have been banned in supermarkets, replaced by paper bags (paid). But above all, it has been compulsory, since 2009, to recycle and compost all waste. Each home has three bins: a green one for composting, a blue one for recycling and a black one for the rest of the waste.

3. Three trash cans! But how do we fit this into our small kitchens?

Removing waste from the kitchen is certainly a good idea!This certainly makes one more trash can, but the size may be different. If the bin dedicated to recycling remains the same, that of normal waste can be much smaller because only rare waste (generally thin plastic) is likely to end up there if most of the waste is recycled or composted.

The organic waste bin may also not be too big: it is better to empty it regularly so that it does not smell.

4. How can we encourage everyone to comply with this system

Since it is complicated to charge each home based on the weight of waste generated, Memphis has set up a system providing financial incentives to recycle and compost.

The invoice specifically mentions the three bins, the charges for the green and blue being much lower than those for the black. For the latter, the cost varies depending on the size: if you recycle and compost little and therefore fill a large black bin, it will cost you much more than complying with the system and, ultimately, reducing its size, since the large Most of the waste will go to the other two.

5. We can also imagine that some people will put waste in the wrong bins to reduce their bill without making the effort to recycle

Yes, but checks are regularly carried out. Officers are crisscrossing the city and looking at the contents of trash cans. If they notice that the recyclable or compostable bin is obviously filled with bad waste, they leave a warning. After several warnings, the home concerned will pay a penalty on its bill.

6. What happens to the waste next

As in other US cities, recyclables are transformed and reused. Plastic, paper and even glass are sorted separately and can then be used to make new objects. Organic waste is transformed into compost. After a month of various treatments, they become very fertile soil and therefore very popular with farmers, who thus feed their crops while preserving the soil.

7. This is all very nice, but it must be very expensive

Not exactly! Studies show that a zero waste system actually costs the community less. Waste collection can be significantly cheaper by adapting the collection (regular frequency for organic waste, which rots quickly, but more spaced out for dry waste). But above all, the treatment costs much less than devices like incinerators, a solution very popular in Tennessee. And allows the creation of necessarily local jobs to properly sort waste, as automatic sorting techniques do not allow total sorting of quality.

This system also brings in money through the resale of recycled materials and compost. And it’s much better for the environment, because landfills produce methane and incinerators produce very toxic gases.

FIFA 21 release from Playstation

FIFA 21 is getting released to the public in less than two weeks. One the most awaited gaming downloads of the year, Playstation is the reference when it comes to online gaming.

The history of playstation

Fifth-generation console, the PlayStation is Sony’s first home console, becoming a social phenomenon that propelled Sony as an undisputed manufacturer in the gaming world. However, Sony’s entry into the video game market has seen many ups and downs, and its home console almost never saw the light of day.

Ken Kutaragi was at the time an employee in the Research and Development department of the Japanese firm Sony. He was then stunned to see the human face made by a computer bearing the name of System G (Gazo for image in Japanese), system used at the time to achieve special effects on various television programs produced in Japan.

Seeing real potential, Ken Kutaragi began to think of this system for a completely different medium, however more or less linked to that of television: the world of video games. However, Sony was still a long way from being seen as a multinational company that develops home consoles at that time.

In 1984 a crisis is hitting the gaming world hard. Sony therefore takes a very negative view of the video game market, finding it unprofitable, and they reject the revolutionary idea of ​​Ken Kutaragi. We find Ken Kutaragi a few years later, still with his idea of ​​transposing the G system into the world of video games, but it is not to Sony that he is heading, but to Nintendo.

They are working on a next generation of consoles (16 bits). Aware of this revolution, Nintendo therefore began to develop a new sound processor to equip such consoles. Ken Kutaragi was aware that Nintendo was developing a new processor and a few months earlier he had made a prototype called the SPC-700 processor. It will be called Super Famicom (Super Nintendo in Europe). Nintendo’s hegemony is confirmed!

A partnership between Sony and Nintendo

Sony, seeing this as a real opportunity to enter this completely new market, starts a partnership with Nintendo. This contract has a simple objective: to improve the Super Famicom. This new medium is none other than CDROM / XA, a derivative of the CD-Rom allowing the listening of sounds and the reading of images.

This project is codenamed “the SNES-CD project”. At the head of this partnership: Ken Kutaragi. So moving from an employee in the Research and Development sector of the Japanese firm to director of this project, Ken Kutaragi is developing several tests. Two prototypes are finally selected.

The first prototype is the one desired by Nintendo: a device that would take place directly under the Super Famicom. The second prototype offered the possibility of incorporating cartridges but also CD-Roms in the Nintendo console. This second prototype had the code name “the Play Station”!

However, internal conflicts began to arise. There is even talk of a Nintendo-initiated coup against Sony. Indeed, the president of Nintendo, Hiroshi Yamauchi, realizes that the contract signed three years rather offers a guarantee of size to Sony, as this contract stipulates that the games that will be released on this new device will all belong to Sony. Nintendo will therefore look to Europe and ally without anyone knowing with Philips, a Dutch technology company based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Sony: a revenge called PSX

Following this betrayal, Sony decided to develop its second prototype left in suspense by this contract previously binding them with Nintendo. Their intention is to present their prototype during the Tokyo International Electronic Show in 1991.

Ken Kutaragi is then overwhelmed. He alone is designated as responsible for this failure. He then talked to Sony president Norio Ogha about a new project. A third and last prototype, still with the same name, PSX, but with a major difference: the presence of System G, a system that models 3D textures in real time. So this is Ken Kataragi’s one, only, and last chance.

On the other hand, everything does not go as planned with Philips: the CD-Rom support is not exempt of defects. Philips encounters a bitter failure with its home console, the CD-I, which decides Nintendo to abandon CD-Rom support. Sony does not give up but leaves aside its second project which will have sold 200 copies in order to focus mainly on this third project incorporating System G.

Sony bought a studio that was unanimous at the time: Psygnosis, recognized for its talents as developers and which focused only on the computer market and in particular the Amiga. The first results gave Sony confidence and hope for a more or less optimistic future for the console. But it lacked a crucial element for the time: publishers!

Ken Kutaragi then abandons his manager’s cap to clothe that of a salesman. He knocked on all the doors of Japanese publishers and unveiled a technical demo of a dinosaur animated in 3D, thus extolling the prowess of System G. Two heavyweights that are Namco and Konami – completely convinced by this technical demonstration – decided to join Sony.

Marketing of the PSX

It was now necessary to show the whole world that Sony was a great company! It was therefore in 1994, during the Tokyo International Electronic Show, that the PSX was unveiled.

The public was won over by this new console and above all by its extraordinary capabilities! Sony’s new console, the PlayStation, was marketed with games such as Battle Arena Toshinden, Wipeout and Ridge Racer. The PlayStation will land in 1995 in the USA and Europe.

As a new console, the PlayStation needed to have an eye-catching logo. The management of the logo was entrusted to Manabu Sakamoto, and it was then with relentlessness and after multiple attempts that the famous PlayStation logo was finally created. Three colors were to appear: red, yellow and blue. Likewise, the letters P and S of PlayStation had to be part of the logo. The PlayStation controller also went through various stages before arriving at the official controller.

Like its controller and logo, the PlayStation’s philosophy was to develop its own identity far from its beginnings as a simple Super Nintendo peripheral.

How to Make an Amazing House Renovation

home renovation
The tips below will be helpful if you are in the process of getting your property renovated.

Do not forget these details

Imagine the best use of your outdoor areas. The living space of your home can be extended into your backyard. It’s the ideal spot for grilling steaks or even just enjoying some fresh air and relaxation after work.

Use a floor lamp in place of table lamps to free up space on your end tables and night stands. Floor lamps stand upright and you can move them around, but table lamps just take up space. There are many unique and interesting lamps to choose from.

When undertaking a home improvement project on your own, make a point of buying high quality materials and tools. It can be expensive, but the expense is worth the value of doing things right. Products that are high-quality generally last longer. It’s not desirable to replace expensive tools frequently.

Downward-facing outdoor lighting accents can easily make the attractive places in your walkway or lawn appear more attractive. When positioning large tree branches, this lighting can appear like natural lighting similar to the sun or moon on a darker day. Try emphasizing garden structures like trellises, statues or seating arrangements.

Though single solar lights cost very little and come in lots of styles, they do little more than add a bit of visual appeal. If strong lighting is what you require for a pathway, you probably need electric lights. While these are typically more expensive, they are reliable and will last for many more years than most solar models.

Do you need your renovation project to be completed quickly?

If so, then you should know that you are probably going to have to pay some extra money. You will find that your contractor will be happier to work more on the project if you are going to be paying more. As long as you are willing to pay more, they will be willing to do the work. This is very common with rush jobs.

Refinish your dining table to update your dining room. Although this takes time, refinishing it will make the old table appear like new. Take all the time you need to sand and refinish your table and pay close attention to details for the best result.

Most people who own their homes will make improvements to it. The real question is if they’ll be successful in that endeavor or not. It’s not uncommon for something to be done wrong because someone didn’t take the time to learn to do it the correctly.

Try to avoid this majority and make your projects come out successfully, perhaps even with a little attitude on top. These suggestions can make home improvement projects a success.

Think about your budget

You don’t have to spend a lot of time or money to do some home improvement. New window dressings, replacing flooring or making simple repairs can make a home feel fresh and inviting. Read on for more great ideas about beautifying your home.

Changing your air filters is very important. It will help you breathe cleaner air, and it helps keep your AC unit in good working condition. A lot of problems that happen with heating and cooling have to do with dirty air filters.

Get a new porch light that features a motion sensor in order to help reduce your electric bill. It is still possible to turn the light on manually, and the sensitivity is adjustable.

Protect your floors at all times when you engage in painting your home. The protection will keep wet paint from ruining your carpet and floors. One inexpensive and effective way to protect flooring is using layers of old newspapers. Other alternatives include a drop cloth or large plastic tarp; both are available at most home improvement centers.

Pouring bleach on the inside of the toilet bowl can help keep it sparkling clean. The smell may be bad, but germs will be eliminated and the toilets will stay clean. You can use scented bleach for a nicer smell.

Turn off the plumbing if any home improvement projects will take place in the bathroom or kitchen. The first step in working on water pipes in your home is locating the shutoff valves. This step will help you prevent a flood.

Check out the credentials of any home improvement company that you are considering. If a firm does not have a street address and uses just the phone, they may not be reputable. Stick with companies that are reputable and reliable.

A huge expense can be that of replacing a home roof, in case you are renovating your attic. Always get a few estimates from reputable roofers and not just by the newest and cheapest roofing company. There are many different styles of roofing materials available today, from lightweight tiles to traditional shingles. A knowledgeable roofing contractor can help you make the best decision.

Homes with a great view may sell for more than houses like it on the market. If you pay more for the view from your home, keep in mind that this may be to your individual taste only. Future home buyers might not be as impressed by the view and might not be interested in paying a higher price for it.

For an elegant jewelry display, put up a wall-mounted coat rack with no curves. But do not hang real jewelry on the rack, just costume jewelry. Your signature pieces of jewelry can add a personal touch to your room’s decor and also keep your necklaces and bracelets tangle free. Select a few pieces that you wear often and keep those within reach.

Try to determine in advance the amount of paint you will need for any painting job. Simply guessing could cost you a lot of money. Take your time and be sure to take measurements so you know the exact amount you’re going to paint.

No mater what type of home improvement project you want to undertake, there is always an inexpensive way to go about it. Use some creativity to get the look you can be proud of. Use the information shared here when you are doing your next home improvement project.

How to reduce plastic waste

Due to the properties of plastics and their low cost, their use has increased twenty-fold since the middle of the last century. Programs and initiatives have emerged to raise awareness and reduce plastic waste.

Almost 150 million tonnes of waste are already floating in the oceans (most of which are not biodegradable), and each year it is estimated that 8 million tonnes of plastics end up in the oceans, the equivalent of dumping a garbage truck every minute! The production of plastics, still increasing, is set to double in the next twenty years (press release from the Ministry of Ecological Solidarity Transition and the Ministry of Economy and Finance).

Reducing plastic waste is a crucial issue. If current trends continue, it is predicted that 12 billion tonnes of plastic waste will accumulate on the Earth’s surface in 2050, the vast majority of which will end up in the oceans. Around the world, plastics account for 85% of the waste found on beaches.

As part of the transition to a more circular economy, the European Commission communicated its strategy to protect the planet, defend citizens, and support businesses. If we don’t change the way we produce and use plastic, there will be more than fish in the ocean by 2050

The only long-term solution is to reduce plastic waste through increased recycling and reuse. It is a challenge that citizens, businesses, and governments must tackle together, ”said Frans Timmermans, First Vice-President of the European Commission, responsible for sustainable development. A real challenge: all plastic packaging on the European Union market will be recyclable by 2030, the consumption of single-use plastics will be reduced, and the use of microplastics in products will be limited.

The “Plastics 2030” program

To support this strategy, PlasticsEurope, the European association of plastics producers, launched “Plastics 2030”, a program intended to manage resources better and promote actions aimed at curbing the loss of plastics in the environment and developing recycling & reuse and encourage innovation.

To meet the ambition of the European Commission, which hopes that by 2030 all plastic packaging placed on the European market can be reused or recycled and does not end up in litter, European plastic producers are committed to achieving high rates of reuse and recycling of this packaging. They are targeting an ambitious target of 60% by 2030, which should lead to reaching 100% reuse, recycling, and recovery of plastic packaging in 2040 in the European Union (PlasticsEurope press release of January 16, 2018).

When will global harmonization begin? The European Union also works with partners around the world to find solutions and develop international standards. In the meantime, everyone must be aware of the consequences of their actions on the environment.

Some instructions to remember: do not throw anything in the nature or on the public highway, and sort your garbage so it can be recycled properly! In Europee, we still have a lot of progress to make: France is only in 25th place in the European recycling ranking (2016 figures from PlasticsEurope).

Plastic initiatives

Great initiatives are emerging to educate and inform the public. You can for example follow the association “7th continent expedition”, which works for a preserved ocean by combining scientific, educational and media know-how around targeted actions ( You can discover his comic strip, The Plastic Monster, inspired by his expeditions.

Follow the Flipflopi expedition and its boat made from plastic waste and whose coating is designed from 200,000 used flip flops. This boat took to the sea in January 2019 for a three-month journey in the Indian Ocean, intending to raise awareness of proper waste management practices on the populations during its passage.

Offer you a pair of sea2see sunglasses made from recycled marine plastic waste …How about that?

Driving on Daytona Beach

Driving your car on a white sandy beach along the Atlantic or Pacific Ocean is almost part of a popular fantasy in our time that comes to us from the cities just like that of trudging through wild mountainous nature aboard your Jeep.

In the 60s, on Daytona Beach in Florida, bikinis, surfboards and big crowds shared the four kilometers of sand, transformed for the occasion into a circuit for stock car races. This is also there that bikers are not always very friendly.

The city is world famous for its many car or motorcycle races taking place on its sandy beaches or on its circuit, the Daytona International Speedway. It is visited by around 8 million people each year. The racing tradition of Daytona Beach dates back to the early 20th century when the first major manufacturers (Henry Ford, Louis Chevrolet) settled in the area. Between 1902 and 1935, 13 speed records were established there (109 km/h in 1902 at Ormond Beach, north of Daytona). Many races (cars, motorcycles or karts) make being in Daytona exciting throughout the year. During racing periods, the city knows a crazy animation, and the hotels multiply their prices by 4 or 5 and display their full sign.

The other great moment of madness in the city is the Spring Break period, the spring break for all American and Canadian students (around the second half of March). Since the 1930s, nearly 400,000 students have been meeting there every year to celebrate the arrival of spring, a pretext for excesses of all kinds.

In the United States, as in many other countries with large sandy beaches, using your car first responded to a simple need: easy access to fish, camp, swim, surf or just to spend a day at the family beach. It would often have been difficult, if not impossible, if the use of a car had not been permitted.

This practice has developed naturally in large spaces in many regions of the United States such as the Long Beach Peninsula in New York State or the Cape Cod National Seashore in that of Massachusetts. It has also developed in parts of the coast of Texas, Oregon, Washington State, New Jersey, North Carolina, Florida, etc.

Some would like to keep this practice, which they consider a tradition, but they forget that the population of the United States of America has grown since 1950, just after the Second World War, from 158 million inhabitants to 329 million!

It has therefore more than doubled and it is widely recognized by environmental experts that driving on the beach can have serious ecological consequences: destroying nesting areas for sea turtles and birds, such as the piping plover, or even damaging wild vegetation and the stability of the dunes. Vehicles on the beach can also constitute a real danger for the safety of beach and swimming enthusiasts who are more and more numerous and who very often come in family with young children.

It is clear that so many visitors and vehicles require good waste management procedures run by the local government. Cleaning the leftover garbage and junk require the help of roll-off rental Daytona Beach companies. These junk disposal operations provide large bins so that bulk clean out can take place regularly.

Nowadays annual beach passes are $25 for residents of Volusia County and $100 for non-residents. The daily entry fee to the beach is $ 20 per vehicle with the possibility of a second free entry the same day and for the same vehicle. For more information on other passes, such as the Beach Pass Holders Express ramps and other fees, visit or call the toll services on the beach (866) 398 -6352. Most passes are available at the beach and Inlet parks tolls

Located further north on the Atlantic coast, this county includes the “Fort Matanzas National Monument” located south of St. Augustine. In 2010, the national park service had to ban the circulation of cars on the park’s beaches due to the deterioration of the environment. However, the service is currently reconsidering this decision. Case to follow!

In conclusion, the celebrity of Daytona Beach was made the last century around the automobile races which were held directly on the beach and today, it must remain world famous like being the beach of Florida on which one is still driving.

How to renovate your attic at a low price

Depending on what your needs are and what you want to add to your home, a guest room could be a wonderful thing to have, like a spare room for guests and friends.

An attic renovation could be just the solution to get that, as a more cost effective alternative to a traditional extension. In fact, the usable space in your roof cavity could be as much as half of the floor space in your home. An attic can add between $80,000 and $150,000 to the value of your home. But what kind of upfront investment does it require? That is the question.

The national average cost for home remodelers to renovate an attic ranges from $15,000 to $85,000. While converting an attic into a living space can carry a hefty up-front price tag, the remodeling costs could end up being an investment that increases your home value by a significant amount.

Renovating an attic is a common and smart way to renovate your home without the expense and energy of an addition. But before you do, make sure to read these some tips from leading experts to ensure your renovation is safe, efficient and a pleasing place to live. If your attic will only have five windows or less, the attic renovation cost of the windows will be $2,219.

If your attic needs to have stairs installed in order to access it, a professional stair installation will cost you about $2,240 to $3,126. The average attic renovation cost is $50,000-65,000 to convert it into a living space, such as a bedroom, office, or bathroom. While finishing an attic is one of the more expensive home improvement projects, it also boasts one of the highest ROI’s.

Every attic is different, but a few established norms and practices will guide your renovation. Follow the rule of sevens: enforcement varies, but codes typically say that at least half of a finished attic must be at least 7 feet high, and that this area must be a minimum of 7 feet wide and 70 square feet.

From minimal floor space to ceiling height, a host of regulations will guide your remodel. Rafters, mainly found in older homes, lend themselves to attic expansion. Rafters look like giant triangles that form the peak of your home’s roof. Configuring your attic renovation may prove to be more complicated than configuring improvements in other areas of your home. The amount of usable space in your attic is largely dependent on the number and type of trusses used to support the roof, the joists and the pitch of the roof.

In most homes, the attic is an afterthought. It’s a place to store extra furniture and old things you no longer use. But with their angled ceilings and interesting layouts, attics can be just as homey as any other part of your house. So why waste this available space in your house when you can do great things with it?

If your attic is a playroom, pile on vibrant colors to make the space bright and happy. A modular sectional makes a great place to snuggle and lounge. Carpet tiles are also a brilliant choice for playrooms. If one gets stained, swap it with one in a less conspicuous part of the room. There are so many way to remodel your attic to make it an attractive part of you premisses.

Note that you must not forget to include waste management and cleaning costs when you calculate your budget. Depending how much you tear down and rebuild, you may end up with a lot of construction debris and blocks of concrete that need to be discarded in an environmental friendly way. Hire a good dumpster rental service that will deliver a bin or dumpster to your place and take it away when full. This type of junk removal is not too expensive depending how much quantity of waste you have.

Kale Realty Explains How Realtors Get Paid

Chicago Realtors IncomeSome folks never put much thought on how realtors and real estate agents make their money. You will find professionals who receive their fees elsewhere and not from the buyer while some get a commission from their sale. But once you are decided to sell your house or buy a new one, this is usually the time when people start wondering how do realtors get paid.

At times, buyers get surprised when they learn that realtors and agents get their commissions from the selling side of the deal. What this means is that the fees get negotiated between the seller and the listing broker. When the house is sold, the seller’s agent splits the listing fee that the seller paid with the buyer’s agent.

You must also know that there are some agents who represent their buyers for a flat rate. There are also some agents who work on an hourly basis, but this business model is not popularly used. So far, the most common practice followed by realtors and agents is the commissions being split between the buyer’s representative and the listing broker.

The normal process of buying a house starts with the buyer’s agents showing their clients some of the homes listed for sale. Usually, both the prospect buyer and the realtor visits the property and assesses whether it is a place they want to buy. After this, an offer is made through a residential purchase agreement with an earnest money deposit. Assuming that everything goes smoothly and both parties are on the same page, the deal will proceed to the closing stage.

The closing stage is when the escrow, or also called a neutral third party, handles the money. Once the property is paid, the commission will be split into two, which are then disbursed to the agents directly or to the companies for whom the agents work for.

When it comes to the responsibilities of real estate agents, only brokers can list homes on the market. Even if you work with an agent and agree on the terms, their broker is the one legally holding the listing. Which means the broker also gets a percentage of the money paid by the seller of the house. Brokers will naturally get some type of commission from the house sale. After all, they are in charge of listing the home and of marketing it as well.

For brokers, their typical fee is usually from 5% to 6% (which is then shared to the agent as the realtor’s commission) as a reward for listing your property and marketing your house. They do this by posting property listings on their personal website, official website, internet ads, mailers, yard signs, and print publications. They also handle the telemarketing and social media exposure of the property.

Not all real estate transactions are made equal and the real estate agent fee is part of the equation. That is why you need to do your own research before embarking on such a big investment so that you understand all the costs associated with such a deal. A lot of money can be made in real estate, but some people have lost money as well. So pay attention and do your homework.

Virtual Private Server: Definition and benefits

A virtual private server, also called Virtual Private Server (VPS) or Virtual Dedicated Server (VDS) is a virtualized server on a physical server that groups many virtual servers. If your are interested in learning more about the definition, operation, advantages and disadvantages of VPS, as well as the criteria to consider when choosing a supplier, read on.

A virtual private server is an equipment offering the same practical possibilities as a dedicated server. However the computer where the server is located groups multiple virtual servers. Each VPS installed on the computer runs on its own OS and runs hosting software for a specific user.

Virtual dedicated server (VPS): how does it work?

Virtual Private Servers providers use virtualization software, also known as hypervisors. They provide users with access to a so-called emulated server which behaves exactly as a real physical server as it is based on the resources that would be found on such a physical server. This emulated server is called a virtual machine (VM). Each virtual machine has a fully-fledged operating system, with access to part of the computing power, RAM and storage of the physical server on which it is located.

Users have access to the operating system of the virtual machine. However they cannot directly access the physical server. Thus multiple users can use emulated virtual machines on the same server, but cannot access other users’ virtual machines. Thus despite the absence of physical separation, each VM is separated. That is what leads to one of the main benefits, resource sharing while maintaining privacy.

Virtual dedicated server: what a difference with shared hosting

VPS should not be confused with shared hosting. To understand the difference between the two, the simplest remains to take the example of real estate. Shared accommodation is like renting an apartment. The host who holds all the space is comparable to the owner of the building. The owner rents both apartments and common areas such as swimming pool, parking spaces or gym that are comparable to computing power, RAM and disk space. For their part, the inhabitants share these resources.

In the case of the virtual dedicated server, users can own their apartment. Common areas are always shared, but a portion can be owned. However, unlike the tenant of an apartment (shared accommodation) the owner must maintain his own interior and take care of repairs and modifications.

It should also be noted that the VPS has a much smaller population. The major disadvantage? The price generally higher than shared hosting. Users must also have technical skills, including the knowledge to use unmanaged hosting. VPS also requires more time and effort, for example to make sure it stays stable and secure.

If we compare the VPS with the dedicated server, to spin the metaphor, we could compare the first city with an affordable property. Dedicated accommodation is closer to a luxurious home. The user here is the owner, is responsible for all cleaning and maintenance, but also the outside and the landscape. Technical expertise is therefore essential. In short, the VPS is halfway between the shared hosting and the dedicated server.

How to renovate your kitchen at a low price

Renovating your kitchen is not always as expensive as you might think! The proof, these 7 ideas for the renovation of the kitchen will help you save while realizing this project which is important to you.

Be inspired by these solutions and most importantly, take notes. You could renovate your kitchen on a budget soon!

1. Use the table to make it an island

At the center of your kitchen, the island is a unifying element and it is very useful. It is used as an extension of countertops, as a bistro table, as storage space … If you plan to change your table, reuse its flat surface to make it an island, which will help you renovate your kitchen without spending too much.

2. Repainting the cabinets

When attacking the kitchen project, we often think of changing the cabinets completely. The least expensive solution here would be simply to choose a nice neutral color to repaint the cabinets already present. The kitchen will immediately take on value!

3. Change the cabinets for tablets

Your cabinets are irrecoverable? Do not panic! Many hardware stores sell solid, inexpensive wooden boards that will serve as beautiful shelves for plates, glasses and cups. In addition to giving a beautiful rustic character, this solution represents a simple and fast way to renovate the kitchen

4. Update the handles

And if in your kitchen, it was only the handles that were closing? Never mind, it will cost you a few dollars to choose new handles to your taste, which will marry better with the spirit that you want to see emerge from your renovated kitchen.

5. Add greenery

Nothing like a beautiful floral centerpiece, a hanging flowerpot or a huge fern to change the atmosphere and atmosphere of a room! Think about renovating your kitchen to decorate plants, to lighten the air while giving a new vocation to some unused places.

In this day and age, the greener the better. Some plants can add a great smell to the room and they provide a more natural look.

6. Be creative with materials already present

When you decide to renovate your kitchen, several materials accumulate as work progresses. Whether it is wood scraps or ceramic, metal parts or plastic, put it all together and see how you can use them to jaze the room even more.

This is case you have mace a small scale kichen remodelling. But if you are really changing many things, even tearing down some walls, then you may have a lot of debris, and you mighy need to rent a dumpster just to get rid of them.

7. Change the backsplash

Another option, a little more laborious depending on the tiles chosen, is to modify the backsplash. Whether you decide to repaint it or change the ceramic, the backsplash alone can greatly change the look of your kitchen. Be aware that there are much more affordable sticker models that you can easily remove and change.

All you have to do is list your options to renovate the kitchen! Get started now.